the art and science of focus
The MindMeld AIM framework is equal parts art and science. AIM clarifies and defines systems that create value for your organization. Transforming business information and data analytics into inspired communications and go-to-market strategies.
Taking AIM Optimizes Brand Asset Value
Thinking about your organization in terms of functional areas and distinct lines of business is tempting. It is also dangerous. The people who buy your products and services don’t think that way. And you shouldn’t either.
The savvy leader — and that must be you if you’ve stuck with us this far — seeks beyond all other things an understanding of the values, beliefs and sensibilities motivating the customer. You realize that an in-depth understanding of the buyer enables product fit and function that literally sells itself.
Everything MindMeld does is focused on achieving the highest possible levels of mindshare. And share of mind correlates with share of market. More importantly, you will capture a greater share of the profit pool in the process.
That’s why taking AIM is so essential. Because not only will you and your entire leadership team gain tremendous insight into the lifetime value of customer relationships, but you will equip your entire organization with clarity and competence in doing so.
seven reasons why you need to Take AIM:
- Less than 50% of c-suite executives say they can connect the dots between strategic priorities
- Only 9% of managers are confident they can rely on colleagues in achieving overall business goals and objectives
- 30% of functional area leaders cite a lack of coordination across business units
- 40% of line-of-business heads report failure to align teams with stated business outcomes as the primary reason strategies fail
- A mere 20% say their organization shifts resources — people, capital, technology — in support of strategic priorities
- Only 11% believe they have adequate resources for successfully accomplishing priorities
- 66% of department heads admit fudging on cross-functional commitments and collaboration in order to hit targets and collect bonuses
SOURCE: Sull, Donald, Rebecca Homkes, and Charles Sull, “Why Strategy Execution Unravels—and What to do About It,” Harvard Business Review March 2015.
In our client’s own words
taking AIM views your business holistically

discover and define
A MindMeld begins by collaboratively assessing, defining and integrating mission, worldview, shared values and value chain methodologies in formulating a workable Brand and Go-To-Market strategy.
MindMeld Marketing utilizes data triangulation in profiling and segmenting market opportunities and aligning resources, product mix, process, communications platform, and distribution and media channels. An in-depth Customer Equity analysis is conducted at the same time — strategically segmenting the target audience as business opportunities dictate.

imagine and implement
In Phase 2 of the MindMeld AIM framework brand and product positioning become a primary area of focus (using tools like the positioning matrix at left). We imagine the best possible solutions and evaluate each one on its merits relative to the overall brand strategy, competitive environment and market dynamics — recognizing knowing what not to do is just as important as knowing what to do.
Working alongside your leadership team realistic measures and milestones are established and the plan is implemented accordingly.
evaluate and enhance
Define what needs to be measured, who will do the measuring, and how metrics will be gathered, shared, and reported. Only measure what matters. Recalibrate and fine-tune based on what is learned from in-market analysis. Maintain FOCUS by keeping your simplified value proposition top-of-mind with customers/clients, channel partners, and team members.
Customer success and loyalty flows naturally. System for continuous improvement and brand asset optimization is fully integrated and operational at all levels of the organization.

In their own words

taking AIM creates organizational FOCUS
Ideas without action are valueless. Which means the greatest challenge you face is transforming your vision into revenue generation.
Value engineering transforms your vision, resources, systems, processes and market dynamics into sales. By analyzing how you create value we collaboratively enable alignment of the everything the business does with customer demand, buying behaviors, market conditions, channel availability and other key factors that directly impact your P/L. It’s a holistic approach that takes every link in your value chain into consideration and capitalizes on it.
Three profitable benefits of organizational focus
CLARITY: People with a purpose are the most powerful force on the planet. Same goes for the methodologies used for creating value. A compelling and inspirational Go-To-Market strategy results. End-to-end alignment eliminates confusion and lack of trust while establishing and sustaining laser-like FOCUS.
COLLABORATION: Business activities, organizational focus, and goal attainment are maximized when ideas, information, risks, and rewards are freely shared. The MindMeld Value Chain Analyzer is key in establishing end-to-end processes that maximize resource utilization and integrate functional areas in a manner that enhances collaboration. All with complete focus on clients and desired business outcomes.
ENGAGEMENT: Despite the perceived benefits of creativity, 61% of c-level executives do not see their companies as creative. Worse yet, CEOs claim creativity is downplayed by team members for fear of failing. Creativity involves ready decision making tempered by a willingness to explore all possible solutions for a challenge. MindMeld provides inspired solutions that stimulate creativity in your strategic planning process.

We’re very keen on empowering people and unleashing their creative juices—and we see process as liberating. After all, if you have processes that are in control, you know how the organization is working. there’s no guesswork because variances are small and operating limits are well defined. Couple that with objectives that are consistent with your strategy and communicated all the way down the line—to individuals on the production floor as well as those who deal directly with customers—and you get quality output without a lot of checking. You wind up with an environment that frees people to be creative. This connection to empowerment turned out to be critical for us: If people don’t understand it, they tend to resist a process approach because they think it will restrict their creativity. but it does the exact opposite.”
— Paul Allaire, former CEO and Chairman of the Board, Xerox